For your hostel days

Book a room and manage your maintenance requests

For your hostel days

Book a room and manage
your maintenance requests

Our Services

Roomate and Group Booking

Hostel Days allows you to book a room as a group and find the perfect roommate.


Looking for a roommate? Our platform provides a comprehensive roommate search feature, allowing you to find compatible roommates based on your preferences.

Whether you're looking for a quiet space to study or someone to share an adventure with, our roommate search makes it easy to find the right match. Booking a room as a group has never been easier. Simply select the hostel.

Our platform will show you the available rooms and prices, and you can select the one that best suits your needs. You can also choose to pay separately or as a group, making it convenient for everyone.


Vacations and Lease Management

Hostel Days provides a convenient and effortless way for students to keep their rooms for future semesters or academic years.


Our platform provides a simple and convenient way to manage your lease, ensuring that you have a secure and comfortable place to call home during your studies.

With our lease management feature, you can easily renew your lease, update your contact information, and make payments online. This eliminates the need for in-person visits and paperwork, making it a hassle-free experience. Our platform also provides reminders and alerts to ensure that you never miss a payment or deadline.


Ammenity Ranking

Our platform provides a simple and intuitive way to rank and provide feedback on hostel amenities.


Our amenities rating system allows users to rate various aspects of a hostel, including cleanliness, security, location, and more. These ratings are then displayed on the hostel's profile, providing valuable information to other users. The feedback provided by users can also help hostel owners make improvements and provide a better experience for their guests.

Whether you're a hostel owner or a traveler, Hostel Days provides a platform for everyone to share their experiences and make informed decisions. So why wait? Start rating amenities and sharing your feedback today!

Ashesi University
Charlotte Courts
Ashesi University
Tanko Hostel
Ashesi University
Hillscape Village
Ashesi University
Ceewus Hostel